Products and commutators of martingales in H_1 and BMO



报告题目:Products and commutators of martingales in H_1 and BMO


报告时间:2023/11/09 (周四) 16:00-17:00


报告摘要:In this talk, I will review some recent results on bilinear decomposition in martingale setting. As an application, we establish the endpoint estimates of martingale commutators. This allow us to give more applications. On the one hand, in the martingale setting, we obtain the endpoint estimates of commutators for both martingale transforms and  martingale fractional integrals. On the other hand, in harmonic analysis, we establish the endpoint estimates of commutators both for the dyadic Hilbert transform beyond doubling measures and for the maximal operator of Ces\`{a}ro means of Walsh--Fourier series.
