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온라인 스포츠 베팅 게임 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트

Novel soliton molecules and wave interactions for a (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear evolutionary equation




报告题目:Novel soliton molecules and wave interactions for a (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear evolutionary equation


报告时间:2021917 16:00-17:00

腾讯会议:会议 ID 529 622 268



    New wave excitations are revealed for a (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation to enrich nonlinear wave patterns in nonlinear systems. Based on the variable separation solution with two arbitrary variable separated functions obtained by means of the multilinear variable separation approach, localized excitations of N dromions, N*M-lump lattice and N*M-ring-soliton lattice are explored. Interestingly, it is observed that soliton molecules can be composed of diverse “atoms” such as the dromions, lumps and ring solitons, respectively. Elastic interactions between solitons and soliton molecules are graphically demonstrated.



    唐晓艳,华东师范大学教授,毕业于上海交通大学物理系。主要从事非线性物理与可积系统方面的研究,成果发表在J. Phys. A, Phys. Rev. A, PLA等期刊上。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项、面上项目二项,曾获上海市科技进步二等奖和教育部高等学校自然科学一等奖(均排名第二)。