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Simple weight modules over the Lie superalgebra of vector fields on {\mathbb C}^{m|n}



报告题目:Simple weight modules over the Lie superalgebra of vector fields on {\mathbb C}^{m|n}


报告时间:2021/9/25  9:00-9:50


会议 ID725 179 277


报告摘要:Let W_{m,n}^+ be the Lie superalgebra of vector fields on {\mathbb C}^{m|n}. In this talk, we will give a survey of various applications of A-cover method developed by Y. Billig and V. Futorny, and introduce the known results on tensor modules by various researchers. Based on the important work by D. Grantcharov and V. Serganova on the classification of simple finite modules over the Lie algebra of polynomial vector fields, we will show that any strong finite W_{m,n}^+ module is also a tensor module. This talk is based on a joint work with Y. Cai and Y. Xue.


报告人简介:吕仁才,苏州大学教授。博士毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院。主要从事李代数的研究工作。先后主持过国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,面上项目1项,目前参与项目2. Advances in Mathematics, Journal of Algebra, Communications in Contemporary MathematicsSCI杂志上发表学术论文30余篇。