An efficient preconditioning method for thermo-mechanical coupling contact applications



题目:An efficient preconditioning method for thermo-mechanical coupling contact applications


单位: 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所

时 间:20211030日(周六)1930-2030

腾讯会议ID169 305 832



Abstract:In the application of thermo-mechanical coupling contact simulations, it is very difficult to solve the discretized linear system due to many factors, such as multi-physics coupling, multi-scale of some physical variables and strong nonlinearities, etc. The coefficient matrix of the linear system in the simulation is non-symmetric and ill conditioning. When an algebraic multi-grid preconditioned Krylov method, such as GMRES or BiCGStab method, is employed to solve the linear system, the iteration is usually difficult to converge. We propose a kind of preconditioning method by analyzing the character of thermo-mechanical coupling contact applications. Some analysis is given for the preconditioner.