Nonlocal PT-symmetric integrable equations and their soliton solutions


学 术 报 告

报告题目 Nonlocal PT-symmetric integrable equations and their soliton solutions  

报告时间2022224日(周四) 上午930-1130

报告地点:腾讯会议    会议号:562181365

主讲专家:马文秀 讲席教授  南佛罗里达大学

报告摘要 In this talk, we consider construct nonlocal reverse space nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) hierarchies through nonlocal group reductions of eigenvalue problems and generate their inverse scattering transforms and soliton solutions. The inverse scattering problems are formulated by Riemann-Hilbert problems which determine generalized matrix Jost eigenfunctions. The Sokhotski-Plemelj formula is used to transform the Riemann-Hilbert problems into Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko type integral equations. A solution formulation to special Riemann-Hilbert problems with the identity jump matrix, corresponding to the reflectionless transforms, is presented and applied to 𝑁-soliton solutions of the nonlocal NLS hierarchies.

专家介绍马文秀,教授,现任美国南佛罗里达大学终身教授,1982年本科毕业于中国科技大学,1990年博士毕业于中国科学院,师从谷超豪院士。担任《》的总编辑,《》、《》、《》、《》、《》的主编 及30多种国际著名科学杂志的编委。研究领域覆盖可积系统,孤子理论,符号计算等方向,特别是对孤立子与可积系统理论中对称、守恒律、哈密尔顿结构和刘维尔可积性理论的发展作出了重要贡献,是《非线性科学百科全书》可积系统方面唯一一位华裔特邀撰稿人。先后在国内外知名学术杂志上发表论文400余篇,组织多次国际学术会议