Risk measurement of joint risk of portfolio vectors: constructions, characterizations and applications



  目:Risk measurement of joint risk of portfolio vectors: constructions, characterizations and applications

报告人: 胡亦钧 教授武汉大学

 间: 2022323日(周三)上午 10:20-11:20

 点: 腾讯会议号 779-384-085

报告摘要: In this talk, we will discuss the measurement of joint risk of portfolio vectors. We define and axiomatically characterize a class of multivariate scalar copula-dependent distortion risk measures. Furthermore, we will also introduce a class of multivariate vector-valued copula-dependent distortion risk measures, and their properties are investigated. Finally, we present several examples, among which one introduces a new class of vector-valued risk measures, while the others demonstrate the comparisons of the introduced multivariate vector-valued distortion risk measures with those vector-valued risk measures known as in the literature. This talk is based on a joint work with Suo Gong and Linxiao Wei.

报告人简介:胡亦钧,武汉大学数学与统计学院,教授, 博士生导师。1993年毕业于武汉大学数学系、获博士学位并留校任教。主要从事金融风险度量、保险数学、概率极限理论等相关领域的研究。先后主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目多项,在保险、金融、概率统计等领域的国内外专业刊物上发表论文60余篇。曾先后应邀访问美国Maryland大学、加拿大York大学、芬兰Helsinki大学、香港大学、香港科技大学、香港浸会大学。曾获湖北省自然科学奖二等奖(2003年),教育部高校优秀骨干教师(2003年),教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(2004年)的奖励和荣誉称号。