Spectral clustering based on local similarity measure of shared neighbors


学 术 报 告

题目:Spectral clustering based on local similarity measure of shared neighbors

报告人:汪祥 教授 单位:南昌大学数学与计算机学院





Abstract: Spectral clustering has become one of typical and effiffifficient clustering methods and has a variety of applications. The critical step of spectral clustering is similarity measurement, which largely deter[1]mines the performance of spectral clustering. In this paper, we propose a novel spectral clustering algorithm based on local similarity measure of shared neighbors. This similarity measurement exploits the local density information between data points based on the weight of shared neighbors

in directed k-nearest neighbor graph and requires only one parameter k, i.e., the number of nearest neighbors. Experimental analysis on eleven synthetic and real world data sets demonstrates that our proposed algorithm outperforms other six existing spectral clustering algorithms in terms of clustering performance such as normalized mutual information.