Free fermionic approach to the KP and the 2D Toda-lattice hierarchies




报告题目: Free fermionic approach to the KP and the 2D Toda-lattice hierarchies

报告人:Baofeng Feng教授 University of Texas Rio Grande Valley大学)


腾讯会议:会议 ID566-122-643   



报告摘要:In this talk, we will give a review on the free fermionic approach to the KP and the 2D Toda-lattice (2DTL) hierarchies developed by Kyoto school in early 1980s. We will derive bilinear equations for the KP, mKP and 2DTL lattice hierarches and their Gram-type determinant solutions. Then, we will derive discrete KP and discrete 2DTL lattice equations from this formulation. On the other hand, we will show how can we get residue bilinear form based on discrete KP equation.

