Soliton solution to the nonlocal NLS and coupled NLS equations with zero and nonzero boundary conditions




报告题目: Soliton solution to the nonlocal NLS and coupled NLS equations with zero and nonzero boundary conditions

报告人:Baofeng Feng教授 University of Texas Rio Grande Valley大学)


腾讯会议:会议 ID367-735-769


报告摘要:We consider general soliton solution to a nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation and coupled NLS equation for both zero and nonzero boundary conditions. Based on the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) hierarchy reduction method, we firstly construct general N-soliton solution for zero boundary condition starting from the tau functions of the two-component KP hierarchy. Then, from the tau functions of the single component KP hierarchy, we construct general soliton solutions to the nonlocal NLS and coupled NLS equations with nonzero boundary conditions.

This is a joint work with Mark Ablowitz (University of Colorado, Boulder), Xudan Luo (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Ziad Musslimani (Florida State Univ.).
