Frobenius manifolds and vertex operators


报告题目:Frobenius manifolds and vertex operators


报告人Todor Milanov 教授(东京大学)




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报告摘要: I am planning to explain the construction of a certain set of vertex operators in the settings of semi-simple Frobenius manifolds. As an application, I will explain how to construct Hirota Bilinear Equations for simple singularities of type D. Here is the list of topics that I am planning to discuss

1. Frobenius manifolds.

2. Higher-genus reconstruction.

3. Vertex operators.

4. Phase factors.

5. Example: simple singularities of type D.


报告人简介Todor Milanov教授博士毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,现为东京大学国际高等研究所Kavli数物连携宇宙研究机构教授。