Dynamics for Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems


2022 数学物理与分析


报告题目:Dynamics for Stochastic Hamiltonian  Systems




会议ID531 837 1238

报告摘要:In this talk, we shall give an insight on dynamics of stochastic Hamiltonian systems from the perspective of stochastic differential equations and geometric mechanics. The report mainly includes two parts: Firstly, we will present an averaging principle of stochastic (symplectic) Hamiltonian systems with non-Gaussian Levy noise. Secondly, we will introduce a stochastic version of contact Hamiltonian systems whose phase flows preserve contact structures. (This talk is based on some joint works with J. Duan, Y. Chao and Z. Wang.)

报告人简介:韦屏远,博士,助理研究员。20216月毕业于华中科技大学;2019-2020年曾在佐治亚理工学院进行联合培养;目前正在北京大学北京国际数学研究中心从事博士后研究。主要研究兴趣是随机哈密顿系统、随机扰动理论等,成果发表在Physica D, Chaos, J.Math.Phys.等杂志上。获有中国博士后科学基金面上资助及特别资助。