Stability of rotating stars


2022 数学物理与分析


报告题目:Stability of rotating stars




会议ID531 837 1238

报告摘要:I will discuss some recent results with Zhiwu Lin on stability/instability of rotating stars modeled by Euler-Poisson systems. When the angular velocity of the star is Rayleigh stable, we proved a sharp stability criterion for axi-symmetric perturbations. By using this stability criterion, we proved that for a family of slowly rotating stars parameterized by the center density with fixed angular velocity profile, the turning point principle is not true. By contrast, we proved that the turning point principle is true for the family of slow rotating stars with fixed angular momentum distribution. When the angular velocity is Rayleigh unstable, we proved linear instability of rotating stars. In this talk, I will show some examples of how to get the Hamiltonian form of linearized PDEs.
